A Week in the Life
Well, not too much has happened since last post. Girl-twin, formerly known as "Whiner," has been sick; a low-grade fever and fatigue for a month. So far, no diagnosis; not mono, anyway; definitely not pregnant. On top of being sick, she really got sick with bronchitis/sinusitis and is on a Z-Pak. She had blood and urine testing done last week, so we'll get those results tomorrow, I hope.
Boy-twin is leaving the middle management of fast food - excuse me, Quick Serve, for a receptionist position in a local orthopedists' office. Yes, after three long years at Chick-Fil-A, he will start making $1/hr more at the new position. He'll continue school toward a degree in Physical Therapy, so this new place fits right in. He should do fine after all that customer servicing. People at fast-food counters can be really nasty! My pleasure! He wanted to go midnight bowling last night, but I said no as he's been getting sick again this week, too. Coughing, nosebleeds, ugh. He was mad, and showed his maturity by coming home and A) not speaking to me, and B) working out since I wanted him home to get rest. My hubby says that teenagers' brains turn off when they turn 13, and if you're lucky, they might turn back on when they're 21. Guess we're still waiting!
My oldest daughter, Dreamer, is doing well, I think. She's way stressed out with this particular semester at college. Her hubby called all concerned (he's such a sweetie!) and we talked to her about quitting her part-time job, but she likes it, wants to contribute to the income, and gets to study while not busy. Ok. She's a big girl. The very next day, she called and said she may have the opportunity to take some master's level classes this summer; then after she graduates May '07, she'll have just one more year to complete her master's degree. Talk about stress! But as she said, and I quote, "You know I do school well." And yes, she does. She is a self-admitted nerd. She reads textbooks for fun. When she was young, I could never ground her to her room; it was too fine for her to curl up with a book. The twins, on the other hand, hate to read, Girl-twin more than Boy-twin. At least I can get him interested in a good Frank Peretti.
And now.......for Molly news! Molly went to the vet a week ago Friday for her "graduation" shots. She had a final ?distemper and a rabies vaccine. After the very-painful experience of the identi-chip placement, she had no problem remembering the vet (the most awesome ever) and literally wrapped her paws around my neck during the shots. Poor Pup. But she's done for a year! Yay, Molly! She and Honey are becoming better at the house-training thing. They're really good at ringing the bells at the door to be let out. Sometimes I think they do this when they're just bored. "Wow! She let us out again. We've really got her trained! She's doing so well!", they pant. And Molly smiles. I noticed that today. She was sleeping with me on the sofa, and her mouthline was straight. Girl-twin came up and pet her, she woke up, and the corners of her mouth went up into a definite curved smile! Let's see a fish do that!
As for me, I have a pretty annoying condition called CIDP (quick! Google it!) and will start a 5-day course of IV prednisone this Tuesday. I hope that's not long enought to make me blow up like a balloon. I don't think it will. But if it helps my stinking legs, it will be worth it! I'll write more about them another time. Right now, I think I want a shower and an early bedtime. Five o'clock comes early! Gotta get up early and drink much coffee before doing all those PAP smears!
And I'm so GREEN at this that I just figured out the comments! Thanks, Mrs.DoF! I feel special with comments!!!!
'Customer Servicing'? The Phrasing....hmm. He's still a teenager, correct?
Ah, sorry, it hit me at a giggle time.
The dogs ring a bell for house-training? Reminds me of the dog in the comic strip _For Better For Worse_ puts a paw at the doorbell.
Never seems to be a dull moment at your house.
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