Monday, March 13, 2006

A Lotta Stuff Happened! Or so it seems to me.....


Well, I finished the 5-days of heavy-dose prednisone. My last dose was yesterday. Did I tell you the nurse from the agency stuck me FIVE times and couldn't get a vein???? Geeze. My friend at work got me first stick. Now I'm having the water-weight gain thing. I wish I knew how to put pics on here.... I haven't looked this "full" since right after I had the twins! At least the fluid takes the wrinkles out of your face! I could pass for.......a few years younger!

But here's the really good part: my legs are feeling better!!!!! Yay!!! We just don't know how long this will last and how to handle future meds. I need to do more research.

My favorite aunt, from MD, just left today. She has been given 3 months to live. She is 58 years old and has cancer. Started about a year and a half ago with breast. She had surgery and chemo, then it showed up in tongue and neck lymph. Turns out she has an extremely aggressive type of squamous-cell neck cancer. She's going out on her own terms, though. I admire that. It sucks, though. She is the youngest of 7 children and unless some unforeseen even happenes, will be the first to go. Life is weird. Buckle up and pray. I am happy that my aunt is in Christ and I'll get to see her again someday. It's still hard to know she won't be around anymore. I'll miss her so much. She's wonderful.

Be warned: The following should not be read by people who are bored by computers, or who wince and moan at the thought of poeple using them who have pretty much no idea what they're doing.

Segue to adventures in computerland. I noticed that my 4 year-old comp was acting weird. First, it all seemed Windows related. I couldn't use Outlook Express. Then Word would only open in safe mode. The comp wouldn't shut down the way it was supposed to. Add to this, the hardware was making noise and I was getting ready to replace the fan, power or both. Yeah, I'll try anything with the directions. I figure if I can't fix it, someone else can! Not like I'm hurting a human, or anything. I actually installed a DVD burner in my first comp, and it worked! Thursday night, I booted up the comp. Windows 98 popped up. Where in the world did that come from?????? My comp was preloaded with XP!!! What a mess. I felt sure doom. I don't backup my comp routinely since we don't really do any business on it, but I went ahead and put stuff important to me and hubby on cd's. A wise move. So then I decided to actually erase XP and reinstall it from my handy CD from the company. First, the computer said XP was already gone. So, ok, I go to reinstall. I place the disc and it begins to work, then says it can't load a file. To retry, click enter. I did, nothing happened. To go on without installing this file, click esc. I did. Went to another file and the same thing. I began to write these files down for fun. I had columns of them when hubby walked up and asked what I was doing. I tried hitting the esc key as fast as Commander Data, and that many filed kept coming up unloadable. Dang! Decided to sleep on it.

Got up next day and decided to just go look at comps. Bought one. It's a Compaq Presario with an AMD AThlon 64 processor, 1.0 gig memory, and a 200 gig hard drive. I don't know what that all means really, except for me, this sucker flies!!! How fun. It has WIN XP media in it, was a good buy and I get $250 in rebates. That brought the price to about $500.00 Was I robbed? I was going to just buy the cpu since I had the periphs, but it was cheaper to take the junk, too. And now you'll why............

The very next morning I was enjoying my new comp on the nice 19" flat-screen LCD Viewsonic monitor (which I got in Oct.) when the monitor died. I called the company (in the USA!!! American tech support!!!) and I have to send it back, so now I'm using the crappy monitor that came with the comp. But at least I can see!!!! Dreamer told me her monitor is starting to go, so I'll give her this one when I get the other back.

Sorry about the changing font thing. Still learning blog stuff. I'm kinda tired of typing. Let's all get a good night's sleep!



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