more Mollyness
Molly. What a stitch! If you're sick of dog stories, stop reading now. And go buy yourself a puppy, before your heart grows two sizes too small!
Actually, there's not a whole lot of Mollyness to write about. Just simple things she does that make me belly laugh. Last night, while talking to my 22 year-old married, in-college daughter (we'll call her Dreamer) Molly decided it would be fun/tasty/disgusting/annoying to try and insert her muzzle into my mouth while I was speaking. While some might find this tasteless (pun intended) I could only laugh since it was a new behavior and totally unprepared for. And I wasn't eating anything! The laughter only encouraged her, and I finally had to put her down to finish the conversation. Tonight, Molly is testing her boundaries (her ears just perked up - "What, I have boundaries? Ha!") by chewing all things forbidden. She has chewed up kleenex, a dryer sheet, my husband's shoe (only nibbled, no damage), my son's shoe (we'll name him at a later date, and rename Whiner, as she hath protested) and her blanket. Not to mention her chew stick and a pig's ear. "In a pig's ear!", you cry. "Allllriiiiiigggghhhhhttttt!!!!!", Molly replies. She dearly loves the porcine auricle.
And being a beagle, after being chastised, she comes up to you, places forepaws on your lap, wags her beagle-ey tail, looks up to you with those Maybelline eyes and seeks forgiveness. Or most likely, forgot why she was even yelled at in the first place and just wants to play. Honey the min-pin loves to cuddle, and will growl at Molly and even tell her, "You. Me. Outside now, hound-dog!" The minpins think they're full-size dobies, and no one forgot to tell them that they're only 1/10th the size (and an entirely different breed! Now, didn't I just burst your bubble?) Honey hates her lovin' interrupted. Which is amusing. Honey is so fickle as to cuddle Molly all night long in the crate. We cover it with a sheet, originally to keep the dogs from seeing out and whining til dawn. Now we just. don't. want. to know what they're doing all hours. And they call it Puppy Love!
OK. Also. They're doing so much better with the housetraining thing. Yessir, we adults be trained reel well by now! If we put them outside often enough, they will eventually make piles and puddles there instead of inside! What a concept! If only we could get the teenagers to buy into this idea. I guess they take longer to train. And you know what they say: Nothing ruins good parenting like teenagers. And this is not, of course, true of all teens. Surely not yours. Or mine. But somebody's! Else where did that bumper sticker come from?
So as if to prove a point, Honey is in my lap even as I type this and Molly approached only to get the growl-down from Miss Thang. Now Honey's head is on my right hand. I wish you could see the typos before I fix them. Now there's a beagle under my feet and my right forefinger and thumb are being licked to pieces. i m no loger abl 2 tyoopejrasnn