A Drop of Cat Pee in the Middle of the Desert.....
Dreamer once told me that my nose is so sensitive to the smell of cat urine that I could smell a drop of cat pee in the middle of the desert. So imagine my consternation (and that's putting it mildly, expletives deleted) when, as my last act of dressing this morning before I went out the door, I opened my closet to get my shoes and smelled......well, it reeked of cat urine. (May I digress - I am SO glad that dog urine does not smell like this. I would probably never have a dog!) I had no time to worry about it right then, so tonight, I came home, took out shoes, dumped the ones I never wore anyway, Hubby washed some, then I bleached the floor. The puddle was obvious.
Hubby just came to report that the cat had also peed on his side of the closet, so now we think he may have a bladder infection. That's only fair. Why should Hubby and I be the only ones racking up medical bills?
And strangely enough, my former vet, who has known our family since I was pregnant with Dreamer in '84, called tonight! My Mom had made them an afghan a few years back and she wondered if she could take it with her on her retirement. I told her that Mom made if for HER. Take it, enjoy, machine washable, etc. It was so nice to hear from her . She is very much enjoying her retirement. She and her hubby were the best vets ever. They started in our town fresh out of college, working with an established vet; then moved out to a rural community 17 miles away (we followed) and later to another storefront clinic 4 miles further out (we followed again. Hey! Maybe they were trying to get away from us!!!) Anyway, they were awesome through the years. Greatly missed, especially since it's now time for Molly and Honey to have their annual checkups. *sigh* I miss the old days.
I'm sleepy. G'night!
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