
No, not a new drug. Just describes how I've felt since the repair of hammertoes Oct. 23rd. I currently have two pins shoved vertically through my right 4th and 5th toes. I get them out in 2 weeks!!! Yay me. The pain of walking, even in walking shoes (you can forget anything nice looking - too painful for ages) became so great that I finally had this done. Ain't that a pretty sight? I have spared you the "all day on my feet and it's fatter than a pregnant woman's" pic.
Work has been a bit difficult. We have too many practitioners now, so I'm doing more management than practice. Wasn't supposed to be this way, and y'all pray that it doesn't last long. I miss my girls!
Hubby is getting over being sick. Caught it from me, only mine became asthmatic bronchitis which is requiring a big dose of prednisone to clear. Lucy me!
Dreamer and Hubby will be home for Christmas. My hubby and I have the whole week off!!! Double yay.
Ripped is doing well at his job and has bought "THE ring" for his sweetie. They plan a long engagement, which is a good thing since he's 19! He's getting A's in school. Poor Dreamer! Graduating in April Magna Cum Laude. The "poor" part is that she's 1/10th of a grade point from Summa Cum Laude. Dang! I'm just happy she's graduating. I see so many messed-up kids. And she got married while both in school, and she's still accomplishing her goals. Thank you, birth control pills!!!! She and her hubby still plan to go to Japan for a year to teach. Keep working, birth control pills!!! No grandbabies in Japan where I can't get to them, please. I love my son-in-law. He is awesome. And smart as a whip! Someday, I shall have wicked smart grandchildren, some with brown hair, some with red. Cook, huh?
Searcher is finishing what will be her final semester of college for a while. Ya know, it's not for everybody. We support her totally. She is in process of applying for support staff position at local county sherriff's office. It's a great starter position with full bennies, and she can move up from there. Plus, when and if she chooses to return to school, they will pay all but books. Nice move! An old friend of mine works there in human resources and did her fingerprinting. An older officer asked her if she'd ever smoked pot. She said no. He puffed up and said, "We will be doing a lie detector test." Searcher raised one eybrow and replied, "Bring it on!" As much as she's tested us lately, she ain't stupid.
Thanksgiving will be quite different this year. It will be the first in my lifetime without my Dad at the table. He hasnt' died (yet), but is bedbound at home with Hospice. Last year, we propped him in a recliner at the end of the table. Next year, I expect he'll be feasting at the banquet table in thd sky. I am ready for him to go Home. He is miserable.
I keep thinking of things to write about, but then I forget. Our weather is fixing to get cool, finally. Will be in the low 40's this weekend. Yessir, El Niño is back. Means colder, wetter winters for us, and mild hurricaine seasons, much like the one just past. Eat that, global warming proponents. When El Niña is in the Pacific, look out for us. This past summer was much like the other 32 mild ones since I've lived here. 2004 and 2005 were aberrations. But I'll wait til next year and we always have the shutters handy.
Guess I´ll dry up for a while. I oughtta write about traffic lately. Til then, keep me in your prayers from 6Ñ30 ' 7 each morning as I try not to become dump truck fodder on my way to work.
Another wedding to plan! Wow, the kids have grown.
College definitely ain't for everybody. I can't stand such classes meself. And I live in a community with 4 places of higher learning.
An acquaintance worked 3 years as a teacher in Japan. When she came back home, she began teaching ESL classes, where most of her students are Japanese. Who knew?
The toes look mighty uncomfortable. I've always worn non-fashionable but well-fitted size 7WW shoes, so my toes remain straight in spite of years of working on concrete floors. It's the arches I'm having troubles with.
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