Sunday, November 19, 2006

Hello to Max, and Plumbing Woes Continue

Did I ever introduce you to Max? After our cat Baby was euthanized last year, Hubby wanted to wait a while before getting another cat. Lasted about two weeks. Max is short for Maximus Decimus Aurelius, the lead character of Gladiator. Ripped named him. He's rather dog-like, playing fetch and eating everything. He wrestles with Molly and Honey and holds his own. He's pretty cool - for a cat!

Poor Hubby has been working so hard to get us replumbed. As of last night, we had toilet usage, first priority. We can now do laundry, run the dishwasher, and use the sinks in the bathrooms. Only thing left is the shower/bath. We have been going to our parents' houses for showers. This is the opposite of what happens after a hurricane. Then we have water, but no electricity.

Otherwise, not much else going on. I'm starting some Christmas shopping, and have turned thoughts to the annual Christmas letter. I can't believe Thanksgiving is so close, and my house is more of a wreck than usual due to the plumbing catastrophe.

This too shall pass. And here's a good pic of Searcher and Molly. Bye!


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