Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Yes, I WOULD Like Cheese with My Whine

So the last time I got a haircut, I found the most excellent beautician ever. She cut it just like I asked, chatted enough to be nice but wasn't nosy, and taught me how to style it myself!!! Found out she was just subbing at the First Choice I attended near my home and she worked at another one 11 miles away. I told her she was worth driving 11 miles for excellent technique and service. Yesterday, I called to check her hours. She said Mon and Wed 12-8 pm, blah blah. I blocked the rest out since they were working hours and told her I'd see her tomorrow night.

Tonight, I drove over the river, (sorry, no woods) and paid the toll ($1). I find her store, but she's not there. Yes, I'm told, she usually works Wed. 12-8. But not tonight. Whine!!! I went ahead and let someone else cut it since it was quite shaggy. Came out ok. I'll know better in the am after I wash and dry it.

Tomorrow and Friday I will be attending an STD conference. We're the kind of nurses who can talk about such things all morning, see the gross slides, and then go eat - no problem. Sometimes we even joke about needing to culture what drips out of our Wendy burger. Clinic humor.

Yesterday I took care of a pt. who was formerly employed in the worlds' oldest profession. She is always outrageous and funny. She handed me her cellphone complete with pics of her current partner naked in the bed. Alrighty then! Just when you think you've seen it all..... and I do.



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