We have a 23lb. turkey and no company this year. Usuallly I have anywhere from 15-24. Over the years, some have died, etc. which has led to fewer numbers, as well as the fact that I have not added or reinvited some due to my not feeling well over the years. This year is especially depressing. Although my Dad is still alive, it will be the first time ever in my lifetime that he will not be at the table with me at Thanksgiving. He and Mom will have the holiday together. Mom has declined food brought to their house. She and Dad will have stuffed chicken. I will be so bummed. My twin Mexican-American brother, Jesse, and his family were maybe going to come, but they had a prior commitment to eat at his mother's. Bummed I remain.
I shall go through the litany of piemaking and shopping tomorrow, just for tradition. Gotta do something. I have major leftover plans for the remainining turkey; soup, divan, salad, sandwiches, giveaway, etc.
Too bad Dreamer and Hubby can't be here, but he has to work day after, and the 6 hour trip ain't worth it. Oh, well. I shall survive.
To add to the "by no means should I have company this year" is the remaining mess from the plumbing fiasco. Still stuff all over the kitchen. Hubby couldn't finish tonight. He ended up at Convenient Care for removal of a metal shaving from his eye. He was out of commission today. Says tomorrow he will finish all. Just in time to cook.
The fresh, Amish turkey I ordered should be about 15 pounds. Never frozen, I'll be fetching it this afternoon on the way home doing chauffeur duty with Lucas.
The kid still doesn't have a driver's license. He stays physically fit by riding his bicycle all over the place. We've got him for about 24 hours, but he has to be at the job at 6:30 am Friday.
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