Monday, November 20, 2006


Hubby has gotten the showers hooked up!!! That's the grand news here tonight. This after a long day at work.
On my way home from work, which isn't really on my way home, but hey, it's free food, and I get to see my folks!! Mom called me and said she had some home-made lentil soup for us. Yummy! And it's in the 50's, pretty cool for us. Hubby and I each had a big bowl, and mine was accompanied by a very hot onion. Yummay!
Afterward, I went to Kohl's. Ours opened a few days ago. I really liked it! They have some great prices. I bought a set of t.v. tray tables for 49.99, orig. 100.00. 25% off of Oneida cooking utensils. A nice turkey tablecloth on sale. And some Christmas gifts for my coworkers. A good night. On my way in, it started misting hard from the cold front passing over, and an old lady said to me, "Do I feel moisture?" I said yes, and she made some complaining remark. I yelled back over my shoulder, "At least it's not snow!!" No reply. She must like snow.
So home again. And another day blogged. If I'm not careful, this could become a habit!


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