Hubby's 50th!!!
First, I was able to work in clinic all day today!!!! Yay to patient care, paperwork be damned! Speaking of which, I bought Hubby a card that says, "You know what they say about people who turn 50, don't you?" (open the card) DAMN!! (end of card) My warped brain found that amusing.
Hubby's Dad took us to the Outback tonight. I was so good. I had salmon, and didn't eat it all. Accompanied by steamed broccoli and salad. Then I blew it all on apple cobbler. *sigh* Weight loss/mainentance sucks. I need to lose 20 pounds, and doubt that will happen by Christmas.
Ripped called us on the way home from the restaurant. He locked himself out of his car at our church youth center and was breaking out in major hives, a condition he has had periodically since early childhood. It happens less frequently the older he gets. Hubby thought this was a set-up for some kind of surprise party, which he would despise, so he almost refused to go (I needed to get off my sore foot af
Also a pic from dinner. I'm pooped. Let's sleep!

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